It’s on you, babe.


I don’t have much in the way of writing or “hooker” news this month. The summer has been crazy to say the least. There was not one weekend where we stayed home. No grand vacations, just weekend MN events. We did manage to sneak in a trip with our camper, which was cut short with a grandbaby delivery! No complaints there. Boy #4 for my son. My heart is full.

We had a wonderful week-long visit here with my cousin, who grew up as a sister to my son, and lived with us her junior year. She’s been a tattoo artist for the past 20 years and just left the industry. I was her 1st tattoo and now I’m her last!

I’ve been wanting the Hawaiian Islands for quite a while since that’s home. I’ve just held out for her to do it for me.  (What happened in Lahaina hit me hard, but I’m very fortunate my family is on the other side of the island. Please look into supporting any way you can if you are able.) The turtle was a last-minute add-on. I stole my son’s. His had a K at the bottom – we turned it into a B so I could add the new addition. (L, D, N, also on the shell.)

My cousin is a truly amazing soul. Always positive. She told me a story, but I don’t remember if it’s something she read or someone she actually talked to. It went like this: A man was in an airport and got into a conversation with someone. Once he learned where the man was from, he said, “I was looking into moving there. What are the people like?” He replied with, “What are they like where you are?” “They are rude, impatient, and self-centered!” “Oh, that’s too bad. That’s what they are like where I’m from.” He later got into a conversation with someone else that started off the same way. When she replied that people were so kind and friendly, he replied, “That’s what they are like where I’m from, too. You’ll love it.”

Take a minute to let that sink in. You take your BS with you. Changing locations doesn’t change anything but your location. I loved that and it made me take a look at myself. I can relate to this in my morning commute – and it was an eye opener. I only had about a seven-minute drive, but it was terrible. There’s one stoplight where people will race to the light to gun it to make sure they can get ahead of you as the road merges together shortly after. I never engaged in the battle and just stayed slow, not wanting to be cut off horrifically each day. I would still mumble about them and call it the “a-hole” lane. There has been a detour on it for over a month, and I now have about a 20-minute drive. I was thrilled to find a less stressful route…but the a-holes were still there. Hmmmm… I’m hoping I put that in the proper perspective and maybe there will be one less a-hole now – no matter what the route is. Just this past month there has been road-rage incidents here in Minneapolis with a merge lane for construction, and one on Maui where a young man passing a car drove head-on into an older couple and killed them all. I try to always be the one to slow down and let the “racers” in, but I do need work on my “not so inner” dialog as they do so. The soundtrack to my highway to hell will most definitely be my car dialog. It’s a work in progress. 😉

Not sure about you, but I’m ready for the fall colors and cooler weather!

Happy Reading!


Love You More!

How could I not jump on this event when it stole the title of my book? LOL

(If banner link doesn’t work, click here)

The book is only a year old and currently $3.99 everywhere, but it’s free if you go to the event page and sign up for my newsletter. If you are already a subscriber, that’s okay. You won’t be added twice, but you can still get the book for free by signing up. My hope is that you fall in love with the characters and story as I have and most of all, please leave a review!

Check out the other 25 books as well! You never know when you will find your next favorite book or author! A bonus chance at $25 doesn’t hurt either. 😉

As always, if you love it and leave a review, I’d be more than happy to send an e book in the format of your choice of anything else that interests you.

Go forth and download ALL THE FREEEEEEEEEE!!

Happy Reading,


Another great list of free books!

Here’s this months book magnet group:

If clicking the banner doesn’t work, go here:

For my subscribers that have been here for a while, you probably already have Dustin Time, but I have quite a few new subscribers thanks to Romance Devoured.

Dustin Time was my 1st published book. It’s a time travel romance.

Here’s the book trailer if you are interested in finding out a little more.

I have to keep this short and sweet. Over the holiday weekend, we had our national Elks Convention here in Minneapolis. I had 4 mornings of 7 a.m. shifts to keep me behaved in the 48+ hospitality rooms! I love going to these and seeing all the good we do in our communities for our veterans and children all across the nation. My hubby actually won the Veteran Volunteer of the Year award nationwide. The 1/2 of the year I spend without him hasn’t gone unnoticed. And I actually get some writing time in while he’s gone, so win-win. 😉 If you want to learn more about Elks, just write me.

I’ll let you go and fill up your e-reader with books! I need to unpack!

Happy Reading!

Too dirty to be clean…

And too clean to be dirty….

**Stick with me till the end. I’m joining a few book “magnets” with a lot of great giveaways!

Please tell me my books have friends. I know my characters have great friends, (I just read a review for The Green Flash at Sunset about how the person was jealous of my MC’s friends. That made me smile) but my books themselves. Tell me I don’t stand alone.

Which brings us back to the title of the post. Sometimes I feel like I’m alone in a genre. I may not be able to stop my characters from having sex, but I don’t want to go into details, describing it to you. I don’t read erotica, so I don’t want to write it. Obviously, there’s nothing wrong with it – many enjoy it! Nothing wrong with Hallmark movies or Harlequin-type romances either, but my books are far from the predictable, category romances that have a huge audience. Readers love the comfort of it – wonderful! But…I want to be in-between. That’s my happy place. Is it anyone else’s?

When I sit at a huge event, like the one in Denver, I am surrounded by table after table of shirtless guys. People eating it up in drones. (Again, not wrong. Yea! You found what you like and it’s everywhere! Whoo hoo!) Between some events, I rode the elevator with about ten (at this point very tipsy) women. A man asked what was going on. Someone said, “Sex books. Lots of sex. Sex, sex, sex.” Everyone laughed, and I slinked into a corner.

I’m sure it sounds like whining, but really…I’m not trying to. I just feel like books are one way or another. I even just found a bad review on one of my books which has well over 100 5-stars: “There was too much sex. Not detailed or anything, but if I wanted to read smut, I’d read XXXX.” So…you wanted it to be smut? You only read one author for your smut? I’m so confused…

I remember back when I did blog hops, I left two of them when I saw the other book covers. The organizer said, “Not everyone is after erotica here.” Yeah…but it sure looked like it. I didn’t want someone disappointed in my story, flipping pages, looking for that sex scene that wasn’t there.

I’d love to hear which way you roll, or where you find your happy medium.

Now – onto the book magnets! I have been slacking for a long time and feel summer is a good time to dig in again, especially when I hear things like “beach read.” I ran some promo for Love You More (it’s still 99¢ everywhere) and I chose a lot of vacation banners, although I haven’t been sharing them. (one above)

The 1st book in my Hailey series is still free. I’ve joined Romance Devoured for their Billionaire Romance Giveaway. Click the banner for details! It starts June 5th.

I’ve also joined Summer Book Bash for Double Mocha, Heavy on our Phone Number. That one doesn’t come around free too often. I just know a lot of you have been hanging in here with I Got Your Back, Hailey & Dustin Time free for a while. Thanks for those who have left reviews and moved onto the rest of the series.

(If banner link doesn’t work:

Have fun with these! I have more in July and August, so be sure to check those out in my next blog post!

Happy Reading!


Newsy news and a duology on KU!

I don’t have a lot to say but I thought I should just reach out with Happy May! It’s still “mostly winter” here. The snow is gone but it’s still cold enough to not be fun to be outside. Three weeks ago it was in the high 80s for a few days, which just makes it worse.

Anyhoo…. I have been toying with a few things to give life into my older releases.

Dustin Time got to #5 again! A few weeks ago it lingered at #1 for several days, then went back into the 20s, so I decided to give it a bump. I was shocked to find it has gained over 100 ratings from when I last checked, so THANKS! To everyone who has been leaving reviews.

On an even better note, the 1st in my middle grade series got to #1 – and I caught it! LOL Usually I see a few days later that a couple hundred downloads happened and I’m never sure why, but I usually miss it. Despite the lack of reviews, it usually hangs in the top 20 for its genre as well.

Love You More is on sale for 99¢. It’s truly one of my favorites and can’t seem to gain much ground. If 99¢ is too high but you will leave a review, let me know and I’ll send you a link for it free. (I do reader events all the time with various books free. I know, it’s not “hoarding” if it’s books, but please only reach out if you will actually leave a review.) ***Heads up – it maaayyy be a little steamer than say….my 88s series.***

Lastly, I put my Hunter’s Find Duology on sale. I made it a box set and listed it for just 99¢. These were the favorites of many who enjoy a fast-paced romantic suspense, I have just not shown them any love in years. I did add them to my Hailey series, so they are a must read for those of you following along with that one. It’s also my 1st listing on Kindle Unlimited. I never wanted to be Amazon exclusive, but I figured this wouldn’t hurt.

That’s enough for today!

Happy Reading!


Denver or bust!

Not sure why I imagined this sign. Must have been some cartoon or movie. However, the “bust” part is quite fitting.

The Readers Take Denver event in itself was amazing. The organizers did a fabulous job. There were many parties and events each night. The problem being, I didn’t partake in much but the signings. That totally defeated the purpose of going to an event as grand as this. But I was simply wiped out.

Back in probably September, my son wanted to plan a trip home – that’s Maui. We moved away when he was ten. It’s always held a place in his heart. I go because of family and friends. My mom and all three brothers are there, not to mention a bestie from high school. After I gave him fee rein to book the trip, I had a panic attack about Readers Take Denver, which I had booked long ago. I looked it up, it was starting on the 30th. He booked us coming back on the 29th – no problem! We can do a 12 hr drive in our sleep! Weeks before we left, panic once again set in. I checked the tickets and sure enough – when you leave Hawaii on the 29th, you arrive on the mainland on the 30th!

I was ready to just count my table fee as a donation to the fundraiser – Julie’s Friends. Then I thought about having to mail preorders and such and was just stuck. As chance would have it, our layover was in Denver. Hubby: “Easy peasy. You get off the plane in Denver, I’ll fly to MPLS, load the car and drive there with everything.”

No, hubby doesn’t actually say “easy peasy,” but we’re drivers. We drive everywhere. He was also given the gift of gab and I knew he could be entertained with a wrong number the whole way there. But doing it after a red-eye and getting no sleep on a plane? I was hesitant. Both he and my PA insisted repeatedly that I should do this. She arranged to fly in from SD, landing just after I did, and a classmate who lived in the area became our uber driver to the hotel! By the grace of all that is holy, it worked.

The closer it came and the more I followed the group, I was impressed with the company I was keeping. There was a red carpet event for a movie from one of the author’s books, another movie showing the next night, two signing rooms as well as an extra ticketed room for most of the NYT bestsellers. Some were in my room as well – I’m not sure what made that room special, except it was probably names you know. In all honesty, I do not. I’ve said many times how I usually only read my friends’ books. I’m lucky to get through one a month (and that’s an over-estimate). I was in the presence of this: I’d said how my PA probably reads ten books a week. “Ten? That’s cute. I read at least fifteen…” and so on. I loved the enthusiasm. This was definitely an event for them. 🙂

Many readers went by with their carts overflowing. I called out twice “You dropped a book!” Some were e-book readers and walked around with a bag, collecting bookmarks. Most stopped at my table and I got to hand out my bookmarks and show them the three I have for free. Everyone says I’m nuts for doing that, but that is just how I roll. I don’t try to talk anyone into anything. I love talking with readers. End of story.

(My middle grade books actually outsold my women’s fiction at this event! They seem to take turns.)

It was quite comical for some to seem to go out of their way to suddenly have to look at their phone or have to turn away to avoid making eye contact. This happens at every kind of event, but I just felt it funny when you paid $250 to talk to writers, to go out of your way to avoid some. I’ve read endless blogs with book store signings and “where’s the bathroom” being the most asked question. LOL Instead of wearing one of my writer Ts, I should have worn “I don’t bite! or I am not pushy!” *le sigh*

I did attend a panel, which was hilarious. After talking with ladies behind me, one said, “Oh. You’re one of the authors!” That made me feel special. Just like when I went up and talked to one of the narrators. His demeanor changed a little once he saw my badge. (Or maybe the fact that I opened with “How many room keys are you given at an event like this?” scared him at 1st. LOL What? He was handsome! I wasn’t offering, BTW. 😉 )

So, by all means, if you are an avid reader, this is an amazing event. For the little time I spent mingling, it was still a worth-while venture. I had fun with my PA, who was amazing BTW! I went to Maui with a carry-on, since I had to go carry-on to get off the plane in Denver. That left me missing some items. Hairspray and straighter FTW, Sheila! As well as many other things, I’m sure. She also volunteered at many events. They ran her ragged and she loved every minute. 🙂 I did cut her loose on day two to visit tables. There was a great turnout, but it was manageable. At one point I had three people there, but everyone was great and even started talking amongst themselves. I had great conversations with a few writers that were out and about. I never did find the two friends of friends I wanted to say hello to. It was really a huge event!

For me, the only downfall was $$$$. I get tired of convention destinations and the excessive need to overcharge you ten-fold. White Claw for $10? No thanks. Martini to go with the Murder and Martini panel? Not for $18. I have a terrible time letting myself spend willy-nilly, even in a vacation setting. That was the hotel’s doing – not the event. Every restaurant and bar in the area was the same way. Overpriced. Just coming from Maui didn’t help, I suppose. That’s really my only complaint about going home. Fortunately for me, we cooked at my mom’s 90% of the time. Even at that, the grocery store is as insane as you’ve heard.

I feel bad writing anything negative, while I’m sure everyone else who attended would be gushing. Again, it wasn’t the event by any means, just the area. Which is the same for any area like that. Every Hilton, Hyatt, Marriott, etc. we have to stay at with Elks conventions. I guess people who normally stay at these places expect it and can afford it. I can’t and can’t just look past it and enjoy it “just this once…” I’m a penny pincher to a fault – except when it comes to my grandkids!

Hats off to all the organizers. Good luck with next year! If any of you are interested, check out next year’s venue:

There was one elevator experience I’ll share, but that’s for another post….

As always, if you’ve enjoyed and reviewed any of the above three books and want number two, just send me a link to your review and I’ll send it along in any format you need.

Happy Reading!


PS – Gratuitous Maui beach picture. Photo credit Darrell Kramin.

For the love of….

Millionaires! LOL

****First off – welcome new subscribers! You may be here from the last book magnet with My Book Cave. The character in question here is Donny from my I Got Your Back, Hailey series. Book #1 is free everywhere if you are so inclined to hop on and see what this is all about. One of my 1st fan e-mails for this book was “Please tell me Donny will get his own book!” That wasn’t the plan (since I couldn’t get Hailey to shut up. LOL) but he is finally getting his way!****

All buy links here.

The cover is Parker. I’ll soon be on my quest to pick my Donny. The only one I loved so far was a poor quality photo. I may have to do what I have done with many others: pick a model and have my own shoot! Those are my favorite!

I may have lied about the time I have to dedicate to writing in my previous post, but Donny is certainly on my mind a lot. I’ve never been good at plotting my books out – they just come to me as I type. It’s honesty like watching a movie for me. I try to think about him and what could come next, but there’s no outlining going on here. As soon as I can get back in, he’ll let me know what he wants me to do.

Donny is such a fun character to write. I catch myself cracking up often, as well as being jealous of having to share him with Mo. There’s a few mealtime excerpts I’d love to share, but maybe not until I’m closer to the finish line.

Writing about Donny and Parker is so much fun! Why? Millionaires, duh. 😉 Who wants to read about going to the dollar store because it’s cheaper than Wal-Mart? Or coupon clipping? Don’t get me wrong. A great article on tips for saving money would be wonderful, but it’s not what I’d want to get lost in at night. Fly me to Mexico on a whim in our own jet, baby!

I don’t think I have a shirt in my wardrobe that wasn’t on sale when I got it. “Hon, go pick up a couple of jet skis so there’s enough for all the kids…” That’s way more fun!

I can’t read non-fiction because the one I did broke my heart. It made me want to take an Uzi to a convent. I don’t like thinking about the hate in the world. So many shows we’re watching lately are how horrible native Americans were treated, or how every race has been made slaves…just argh. I haven’t watched the news in five or six years. I just can’t take the negativity and hate that seems to be around every corner.

This is kinda old, but never going to be over. Covid. (And I’m sorry I even wrote the word.) I will never mention it in one of my books. We’re living it. How can you escape by reading it? As early as three weeks after lockdown, there were books published about it. I’m disgusted for a couple reasons.

1) I don’t want to read about it. We’ve all lost people or been kept from seeing someone because of it. (I got Covid at a convention and couldn’t fly home for my dad’s celebration of life.) If you don’t mind reading it, great. Maybe they were done well, or the humorous side of couples entertaining themselves? Or the few people making positives from it? (The only example I can think of is John Krasinski’s Some Good News.)

2)You wrote and published a book in 3 weeks? No beta readers? No editors? That just seems fast to me. I wonder how great it would really be.

One review that absolutely cracked me up was for a book written – set in 2020. The reviewer stated: “How shortsighted of the author not to anticipate the pandemic. I kept waiting for mention of Covid and the lockdown.”

Okay…the book was written a few years prior. So, now we (writers) are supposed to be fortunetellers and predict the future. LMAO.

Sorry – I guess I’m getting off track. Point being, I try to get you lost in fiction. Usually fun. I apologize for any miscarriages or other triggers, but sometimes life sneaks into my work. Life, but never that “Covid” word. And millionaires. Lots and lots of millionaires. And apparently twins. I didn’t think I was obsessed, but count quite a few books with them. Maybe that’ll be another post.

I’m gearing up for a trip home (Maui) then have to hop off the plane in Denver on the way back for that event. Hubby will have to hightail it there with all my stuff! Poor planning, but works out by mere chance! I hope to meet a few of you there!

Happy Reading!


Day job!!

Yes – TWO exclamations! I couldn’t be more thrilled with my fortune in finding this job!

I’ve only had a few shifts there but am in love already. I had a phone interview, then a zoom since the owners were away. When I didn’t hear from them that night, I was heartbroken that I wasn’t “enough” and went about looking for something to get me by, but not “love.” I was beyond thrilled to receive an e-mail the following day!

This is the company:

If you are a quilter, you probably know about them. If not – check them out!

You know I post crocheting from time to time, and I posted about sewing those shopping bags, but that’s about the extent of my sewing skills. I kinda just know what I have to – to get by. When I first scanned the site I grumbled, “Dammit. You’re gonna make a quilter of me!” I’ve always wanted to, it’s mostly a space thing. I love quilts and always study them in awe. “How do you get those points so perfect?”

Lucky for them, me quilting isn’t part of the job. “Fabric Processor” is the title. Folding, assembling kits, job pulling, shipping…etc. It’s an online only store. I hate to do a happy dance of not having to deal with customers…I’m just thrilled after my “sentence” at my last job (which was kinda like a Target) that I don’t have to. I’ve paid my dues. If I ever need to answer a phone or fill in at the desk, I can do it with bells on. I’ve worked since I was twelve. I can dance customer service around anyone. The last few jobs I took, trying to be a “peon,” all the kids (who had been there longer than me) thought I was a manager. My 1st job was for my parents. I’ve taken their values everywhere. I don’t sit there on my phone and I have to be yelled at to sign out for breaks. I don’t mean to be insubordinate, I’d just rather work when “$#it needs to get done!”

There is some truth to the old adage “write what you know.” I’ve put a lot of my jobs into my novels.

I worked for vets for four years – hence Dustin Time. Katie was a veterinarian.

I worked four years at lumberyards. Bring in Regina from Come and Talk to Me.

I owned a Cyber Cafe. Hello, Ellie, from Double Mocha, Heave on Your Phone Number.

Okay, getting pregnant young wasn’t a profession, but there’s a lot of truth to Let’s Start with Forever as well!

And so on… Maybe I wasn’t a country music singer or working for the FBI, but Hawaii managed to sneak into a few books, as well as my love for Paint horses and Harlequin Great Danes. I have a feeling, someone will be quilting in the near future. LOL

If you’re thinking that a job means I have less time to write, it’s kinda the opposite. Knowing I now have to worry about my time has made me use it better. I’m actually getting in 2K each day I log on. Donny is finally speaking to me again and his book is moving along. I’ve also picked up the crochet shrug I started on our trip!

So…yea me! I’m really looking forward to this new chapter of my life. It’s just a few miles down the road – bonus!

I’d love to hear from you if you are a quilter and if you know of them or would like to know more. I’ll do what I can! (See…I can customer service. 😉 )

Happy Reading!

Get a camper they said…it’ll be fun they said…

Once again it’s been a while in-between blog posts. I’ve really enjoyed the media break. I’m sure you all have a ton of other blogs filling your feed and you haven’t missed me, but I always feel like I need to apologize.

With all the excitement from the last post, we did end up heading out the day after Christmas. As I look at the date on the bottom right of my screen, I feel like that was so much longer ago. I know initially I was upset our trip was cut so short, but now I’m ready to go home.

Hubby and I always do things from the seat of our @ss. When people asked, “Where are you going?” I’d reply, “Yes, we are.” We are what I call “traveling impaired.” I’d swear if we ever get to Paris, we’d stand with out backs to the Eiffel tower and say, “Where’s that tall thingy that’s supposed to be so popular here?” If we can miss it, we will. I’m sure there was stuff on the way but I was too bundled in the front seat to even think about getting out and looking at anything. (We actually stopped within 2 hours and bought a propane heater for the drive since the camper one couldn’t keep up!)

All I wanted was to head south. Anywhere south. Ideally Texas to meet my amazing typo killer and just stick to the coast, but time didn’t allow it. Nor would gas have let us do it, unless we won the lottery! I’m already dreading going home…I tend to just let hubby fill the tank and I look the other way.

Don’t get me wrong – it has been fun. We planned on going slow, aiming for Elks lodges and “winging it.” It was a super cold season and we had to go a lot farther than I would have liked. Our game plan was to be at my aunts in FL by the 13th. We got here on the 4th! There was no more dilly-dallying to do. Luckily we have been busy with some storm clean up so I feel like we are helping and not just freeloading. Another aunt is showing up – we’ll spend a few days with her here – then head home.

One thing I didn’t count on, was the lack of showers to be found. I guess I thought we’d just stop at truck stops. Well, at $12 a pop, that just wasn’t going to happen. You can’t use them at campgrounds if you aren’t staying there and the timing never presented itself. One Elk was amazing and let us use his AND cooked for us. So, yeah.. most of the trip has been great, I just think we need to do things differently next time. And definitely no more of this December stuff. Record colds are not fun in a tin can! (We do have a shower in the camper, but it needed a repair and we were also winterized till we got here for that and a few other minor fixes.)

My son sent me this of home, so I guess we did accomplish what we wanted – to get out of MN for a while. We did miss a pretty big storm.

Hubby did a great job of blogging our trip on FB. I won’t go into that kind of detail. We pretty much hauled booty straight out of MN then followed a trail of Elks lodges. Some weren’t open but people were there. They let us in, bought us a few drinks, and at one even got a couple shirts.

Some we plugged in for a donation, one had water hook-up and had a set charge. They were wonderful and accommodating everywhere we went. A gal we met one night invited us for a tour of the Grand Hotel. This was a gingerbread house in the lobby – a replica of it and the grounds. The tour was amazing. We learned of all the owners and hardships. Each one had some storm wipe it out or a war that halted the business.

The below pic was Biloxi. The lodge is next to a cool, old graveyard. We were the only members at the bar but the bartender and some kitchen staffed talked the night away with us while the back room was packed with Bingo goers. We walked down to the casinos just to stretch our legs a bit before the next haul. The beach sand is so white here and lots of fun sculptures along the way.

My aunt and uncle took us to “Nawleans” on Sat. As per tradition when we lived in Marathon, I went to Fat Tuesday and had a few too many… When in Rome…

My aunt had free rooms so we stayed overnight and toured the WWII museum on Sunday. It was really amazing.

That’s enough bogging you down for now. This is the 1st time I’ve booted up my laptop and I’m ready to shut it down again and stand outside for a bit. It’s actually a nice day out! Yesterday was a sweatshirt and sweater day, but I guess still better than freezing rain currently in MN.

I thought I’d hop into my Donny book…maybe I’ll see if the lanai has a free outlet…tomorrow. 😉

Sorry I haven’t been digging into my e-mails and joining any giveaways or free book events. The Readers Take Denver event page has been super active. I’m getting really excited for that!

I hope you’re enjoying whatever you’re reading.


All over a dog treat…

If you’ve read any of my Maui-based books, you’ve had a small taste of some of the dumb $#it I did, growing up. Jumping off cliffs where some have been paralyzed, swimming in caves where some have drowned, driving carelessly on the roads to get to these things…the list goes on. My mother once said, “I had no idea you kids did those things!!” “I had no idea you read my books!!” LOL

I’ve never broken a bone, spent a day in the doctor’s office from an injury, or most amazing: never sat in jail. 😉

So, when I say I had surgery last week and have a PICC line in for antibiotics, it’s shocking to me, most of all, to know it’s because I gave a dog a treat. He was a little over-eager for this dry biscuit and clipped me so slightly, you couldn’t even see broken skin. (It was along my nail.)

Many years ago, I worked for vets. I’ve had my share of bites and scratches, all amounting to nothing. If I go to the doctor, I have to be on death’s door. I get scolded when I’m there, and they take blood to run any test “since we have you captive.” I felt dumb going when it looked like nothing, just hurt when I hit it. “So don’t hit it… ba duh bum. I thought she was insane having me get an MRI.

Ten minutes later I get a call: “You have infection in your bone and need surgery.” What the ever lovin’ hell??

I’m not one to cry for sympathy. This too shall pass. I’m just frustrated at the stupidity of it all. The IVs done at home, the gloves to shower that look like I’m going to shove my arm up a cow’s hoo-ha, and my winter camper trip getting completely ruined.

I’d find a bright side, thinking down time = writing time, except that’s hard to do with my middle finger wrapped up. I’m not on pain meds, but maybe that would have made for colorful writing… Donny is patiently waiting for me to tell his story. At least I hope so.

I’ll stop whining. Putting off our trip because they are trying to save my finger isn’t something I should be bitching about. Others say “saving my life – not my finger” and that bone infections are serious. My sister-in-law had it rough over Thanksgiving so yeah…I’ll shut up.

I just want to say, if you get a small nip from an animal, go to a doctor right away and get on those antibiotics, even if you think you don’t need them. Right now, I’d take a little “burning bush” over this $#@&ing PICC line. My hubby is a saint of a nurse and he helps a great deal in the shower. I couldn’t do it without him and honestly, my boobs have never been cleaner. 😉

Whether or not I’ll take the 2 month trip now down to 2 weeks or just say screw it, here’s the camper before & after. I knew it was ours from the second I stepped foot it in. A friend asked, “What about it made you know that?”

“It’s a piece of crap.”

It was in our price range and we knew what we were up against, but it’s been great so far and fun working on the little touches. I make it “purdy” and this is one engine hubby can work on – an ’87 Ford! We call it our apocalypse vehicle. When an EMP goes off, we’ll still be running. No electronic anything on this baby!

I’ve been having fun with my cricut. Yes, that’s Bolt in the window. 🙂

Although everything was in great shape, I didn’t like the feel of the brown material. Taking off the valances really brightened things up, too.

My door ^

His door:

I had a lot of shirt orders and a few signings or there would be more! We’ll see what I feel up to adding.

Upcoming signing: Readers Take Denver It has a hefty price tag, but it’s for a great cause! It’s not just for the day of event – it’s a few days with meals, parties, tastings, etc. Check it out!

Happy Reading!
